Operation Walk Freedom to Move Friends, Supporters, and fellow Team Members
With much sadness, the Operation Walk Freedom to Move Executive Board has made the difficult decision to postpone both our September 2020 fundraising auction and the 2021 mission trip to the Dominican Republic. This was a difficult decision to have to make but one we feel is the best for several reasons.
Believe it or not, we normally begin to ship our mission supplies at this time of year. However, because of the Covid-19 situation here in the US and the world at large, the need and demand for PPE (personal protective equipment) has outpaced manufacturing, supply, and delivery of this essential equipment and other supplies. Our front-line responders do not have the supplies they need to take care of their patients. The current situation allows for only the most emergent of surgeries. We would hesitate to even place an order for PPE or any other medical supplies under such circumstances.
Additionally, companies that donate to our cause are going through a difficult period of time with manufacturing and other challenges. Many employees of these companies have lost their jobs or have gone to part time and asking for or expecting donated goods and equipment is probably not realistic. Finally, the Board also feels that at this time many in our community may also be impacted and while we are thankful for your past donations we also want to be respectful and sensitive to all of you. This is a difficult time for all of us and a time of prayer and reflection for our families and communities.
We do feel very strongly about our mission; the patients and families we serve in the Dominican Republic need our help and what we do makes a significant difference in so many lives. For this reason we are committed and excited to return there once this crisis clears and it is safe to do so. Our hearts go out to our friends and patients and everyone in the DR at this time and we pray for their health and safety. We will miss seeing our friends and helping our patients and look forward to the time when we can all be together again.
We thank you all for your past support and are planning on having our ten-year anniversary in September of 2021 and resume the OW-FTM Mission in January 2022. The Board wishes our entire community and all members safety and peace during this difficult time.
Please be safe... God bless all of you! OpWalk FTM Board
April 2020